Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) has launched ‘Know More Sooner,’ a new educational website focused on reproductive and prenatal genetic testing. The initiative aims to provide comprehensive information about genetic screening options and address common misconceptions.
The website was developed in response to survey findings showing that while most women desire prenatal screening after understanding its benefits, 40% reported not being offered noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT). Myriad offers three key tests: SneakPeek® Gender Test (>99% accuracy from six weeks), Foresight® Carrier Screen for inherited conditions, and Prequel® Prenatal Screen for chromosomal conditions (from eight weeks).
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends carrier and cfDNA screening for all pregnant patients, regardless of age, ancestry, or risk factors.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) ha lanciato ‘Know More Sooner’, un nuovo sito web educativo focalizzato sui test genetici riproduttivi e prenatali. L’iniziativa mira a fornire informazioni complete sulle opzioni di screening genetico e a chiarire comuni malintesi.
Il sito è stato sviluppato in risposta ai risultati di un sondaggio che mostrano come, sebbene la maggior parte delle donne desideri uno screening prenatale dopo aver compreso i suoi benefici, il 40% ha riferito di non aver ricevuto l’offerta di test prenatali non invasivi (NIPT). Myriad offre tre test chiave: SneakPeek® Gender Test (>99% di accuratezza a partire dalla sesta settimana), Foresight® Carrier Screen per condizioni ereditarie e Prequel® Prenatal Screen per condizioni cromosomiche (dalla ottava settimana).
Il Collegio Americano di Ostetrici e Ginecologi raccomanda lo screening per portatori e cfDNA per tutte le pazienti in gravidanza, indipendentemente da età, origine etnica o fattori di rischio.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) ha lanzado ‘Know More Sooner’, un nuevo sitio web educativo centrado en las pruebas genéticas reproductivas y prenatales. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo proporcionar información completa sobre las opciones de cribado genético y abordar conceptos erróneos comunes.
El sitio se desarrolló en respuesta a los hallazgos de una encuesta que muestran que, aunque la mayoría de las mujeres desean un cribado prenatal después de comprender sus beneficios, el 40% informó no haber recibido la oferta de pruebas prenatales no invasivas (NIPT). Myriad ofrece tres pruebas clave: SneakPeek® Gender Test (>99% de precisión a partir de la sexta semana), Foresight® Carrier Screen para condiciones hereditarias y Prequel® Prenatal Screen para condiciones cromosómicas (a partir de la octava semana).
El Colegio Americano de Obstetras y Ginecólogos recomienda el cribado de portadores y cfDNA para todas las pacientes embarazadas, independientemente de la edad, procedencia o factores de riesgo.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN)가 ‘Know More Sooner’라는 새로운 교육 웹사이트를 론칭했습니다. 이 웹사이트는 생식 및 출생 전 유전자 검사에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 유전자 검사 옵션에 대한 포괄적인 정보를 제공하고 일반적인 오해를 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
웹사이트는 대다수의 여성들이 그 이점을 이해한 후 출생 전 검사를 원하지만, 40%가 비침습적 출생 전 검사(NIPT)를 제안받지 못했다고 보고한 조사 결과를 반영하여 개발되었습니다. Myriad는 세 가지 주요 검사를 제공합니다: SneakPeek® Gender Test (6주차부터 99% 이상의 정확도), Foresight® Carrier Screen 유전 질환 검사를 위한 것, 그리고 Prequel® Prenatal Screen (8주차부터)의 염색체 상태 검사용입니다.
미국 산부인과 의사 대학은 임산부가 나이, 출신 또는 위험 요소와 관계없이 모두 운반체 검사 및 cfDNA 검사를 받도록 권장합니다.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) a lancé ‘Know More Sooner’, un nouveau site Web éducatif axé sur les tests génétiques reproductifs et prénataux. Cette initiative vise à fournir des informations complètes sur les options de dépistage génétique et à lever les idées reçues courantes.
Le site a été développé en réponse aux résultats d’enquête montrant que, bien que la majorité des femmes souhaitent un dépistage prénatal après avoir compris ses avantages, 40 % ont déclaré n’avoir pas reçu d’offre de tests prénataux non invasifs (NIPT). Myriad propose trois tests clés : SneakPeek® Gender Test (>99 % de précision dès six semaines), Foresight® Carrier Screen pour les conditions héréditaires et Prequel® Prenatal Screen pour les conditions chromosomiques (à partir de huit semaines).
Le Collège américain des obstétriciens et gynécologues recommande le dépistage des porteurs et de l’ADN cf pour toutes les patientes enceintes, quel que soit leur âge, leur origine ou leurs facteurs de risque.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) hat ‘Know More Sooner’ gestartet, eine neue Bildungswebsite, die sich auf reproduktive und pränatale Gentests konzentriert. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, umfassende Informationen über genetische Screening-Optionen bereitzustellen und häufige Missverständnisse auszuräumen.
Die Website wurde als Reaktion auf Umfrageergebnisse entwickelt, die zeigen, dass, obwohl die meisten Frauen pränatales Screening wünschen, nachdem sie die Vorteile verstanden haben, 40 % angaben, keinen Zugang zu nicht-invasiven pränatalen Tests (NIPT) zu erhalten. Myriad bietet drei Haupttests an: SneakPeek® Gender Test (>99 % Genauigkeit ab der 6. Woche), Foresight® Carrier Screen für erbliche Erkrankungen und Prequel® Prenatal Screen für chromosomale Erkrankungen (ab der 8. Woche).
Das American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists empfiehlt das Screening auf Träger und cfDNA für alle schwangeren Patienten, unabhängig von Alter, Abstammung oder Risikofaktoren.
- Launch of educational platform could drive awareness and adoption of genetic testing services
- Market opportunity identified through survey showing 40% of women not offered NIPT
- Company offers comprehensive suite of three complementary prenatal testing products
SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN), a leader in genetic testing and precision medicine, has launched a new educational website providing comprehensive information about reproductive and prenatal genetic testing.
The “Know More Sooner” website provides the benefits and dispels the common myths of prenatal genetic testing, as well as where to get screened and what actions can be taken in the instance of a high-risk result. The site features real-life patient stories to illustrate how prenatal screening can help parents-to-be manage their pregnancies.
“Many patients don’t initially understand the importance of prenatal genetic screening, but with Myriad’s prenatal screens, couples can discover helpful insights earlier in the pregnancy,” said Dallas Reed, MD, FACMG, FACOG, obstetrician-gynecologist and medical geneticist who serves as the Principal Medical Advisor of Women’s Health for Myriad Genetics. “Having this information allows patients to meet with specialists sooner, choose a birthing location appropriate for their situation, and/or talk with others who have had similar experiences.”
The Know More Sooner website was created in response to a survey revealing that the majority of women want prenatal screening once they understand how genetic testing can provide insights into their pregnancy’s genetic risks, helping them learn more and to prepare for their baby. However, four in 10 survey respondents reported that they had not been offered any form of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT), also known as prenatal cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening.1
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that carrier and cfDNA screening be offered to all pregnant patients regardless of ancestry, maternal age, or risk of chromosomal abnormality.2,3
“The lack of understanding of the benefits of genetic testing is why we created the Know More Sooner website. Offering resources, answering questions, and sharing basics about genetic testing are essential steps in helping women better understand pregnancy and make informed decisions,” said Melissa Gonzales, President, Myriad Women’s Health. “Most families find genetic screening reassuring. If a possible concern is identified, screening gives you time to pursue diagnostic testing and learn more about your baby’s needs from the start.”
Myriad offers three genetic tests to those who are pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant:
- The SneakPeek® Gender Test predicts fetal sex as early as six weeks into pregnancy with greater than
99% accuracy.4 - The Foresight® Carrier Screen identifies those who have a chance of passing down serious inherited conditions.
- The Prequel® Prenatal Screen identifies whether a pregnancy is at an increased risk for a wide variety of chromosomal conditions as early as eight weeks.
1. Large scale Pollfish survey of 1,000 US-based population who self-identified as ‘pregnant’ or ‘recently pregnant.’ Survey was conducted by the S50 Agency on behalf of Myriad Genetics, December 2023.
2. ACOG Practice Bulletin #226: Screening for Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities. Obstet Gynecol. 2020;136.
3. Committee Opinion 690. ACOG. Obstet Gynecol. 2017;129:e35-40. 3. Arroyo-Johnson C,
Mincey KD. Obesity Epidemiology Worldwide. Gastroenterol Clin North 463 Am. 2016 Dec;45(4):571–9.
4. In a large-scale published study run in 2020, SneakPeek accurately determined fetal sex in
About Myriad Genetics
Myriad Genetics is a leading genetic testing and precision medicine company dedicated to advancing health and well-being for all. Myriad Genetics develops and offers genetic tests that help assess the risk of developing disease or disease progression and guide treatment decisions across medical specialties where genetic insights can significantly improve patient care and lower healthcare costs. For more information, visit
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including that the company’s prenatal screens can help couples discover valuable insights earlier in pregnancy and having this information allows patients to meet with specialists sooner, choose a birthing location appropriate to their situation, and/or talk with others who have had similar experience, and statements relating to how most families find genetic screening reassuring. These “forward-looking statements” are management’s expectations of future events as of the date hereof and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, conditions, and events to differ materially and adversely from those anticipated. Such factors include those risks described in the company’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on February 28, 2024, as well as any updates to those risk factors filed from time to time in the company’s Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q or Current Reports on Form 8-K. Myriad is not under any obligation, and it expressly disclaims any obligation, to update or alter any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise except as required by law.
Investor Contact
Matt Scalo
(801) 584-3532
Media Contact
Glenn Farrell
(385) 318-3718
What new prenatal testing resource did Myriad Genetics (MYGN) launch in January 2024?
Myriad Genetics launched ‘Know More Sooner,’ an educational website providing comprehensive information about reproductive and prenatal genetic testing options, benefits, and common myths.
What are the three genetic tests offered by Myriad Genetics (MYGN) for pregnant women?
Myriad offers SneakPeek® Gender Test (>99% accuracy from 6 weeks), Foresight® Carrier Screen for inherited conditions, and Prequel® Prenatal Screen for chromosomal conditions from 8 weeks.
What percentage of women weren’t offered NIPT according to Myriad Genetics’ (MYGN) survey?
According to the survey, 40% of respondents reported they had not been offered any form of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT).
How early can Myriad Genetics’ (MYGN) SneakPeek® test determine fetal sex?
The SneakPeek® Gender Test can predict fetal sex as early as six weeks into pregnancy with greater than 99% accuracy.
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